Jon wishes you a Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of you and thank you so much for your wonderful, kind and inspirational messages over these last few difficult months.

I have been mightily sustained by reading them and will continue to be so. You are a very special lot indeed.

I am doing well and I will be back with more news and updates in the next week or so. In the meantime, party hearty but look after yourselves.

I wish you success and happiness, and above all I wish you health.

God bless


104 thoughts on “Jon wishes you a Happy New Year

  1. Happy new year to you too Mr.Lord . Looking forward to hearing you beat the disease and regained your health.
    Be well for us my man.


  2. I wish Jon all the best for 2012, knowing he has cancer . I am a true Jon Lord Fan and can wait. Jon, please get well soon 🙂 your fans wait for you, but take yourself as much time you need to get well 🙂

    By the way: Thank you for all the great music you gave us up to now.

  3. Just to wish you an excellent , happy and healthy 2012 Jon. I can’t thank you enough for the pleasure you have given me over the years.

    Be well!


  4. The way the artist, the way his fans – and you have the best :-).

    Have a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year!

    Lots of love

  5. Thank You Jon for your wishes
    From France I wish you so many good things and of course and above all Health for you and your family .
    deeply from my heart

  6. And to you Mr Lord – one day I hope to thank you in person for so many hundreds and hundreds of lovely hours spent listening to your music. More than anything, enjoy the love and support of your family and friends and wishing you a return to health very soon.

  7. The fact that you’re doing well means 2012 is looking good already!

    Take care and Happy New Year.

  8. Best wishes, good health and hapiness to you and yours, too, Jon. You and your music continue to inspire. 2011 has been a trying year here, as well. Prayers that next year is good all round. God bless you.

  9. Dear Jon! Next year I want to again return to the stages, because I am very miss you.I see you in Munchen2010 and unforgettable concert.For me you are my idol.Happy,successful,healthy year 2012 and that the return you on stage because i miss you very much your music.

  10. Dear Jon,

    Happy New Year to you too, also health and only the best to you and yours.

    (Enjoyed your smashing organ playing yesterday while listening to “This Time Around”, Live Tokyo ’75 and had a drink on you)

    With kind regards – Helmut from Düsseldorf

  11. dear jon,
    from france i wish you a very good health and a lot of good energy, so that you can go on leaving your message of music to the univers and for us all. i hope to see you back on stage, may-be even nearby bordeaux.

    bless you and your familly and ………. have a nice evening


  12. Happy New Year to you too, Jon! I expect a lot of music from you in the next years, so I wish you’ll be 100% healthy very very soon!!! 🙂

  13. The most wonderful thing that could happen on the New Year Eve is to hear from you, Jon! Thank you for this message and for all the joy and magic you’ve brought to me over these years (and this year in particular). Will be looking forward to more news and exciting stuff.
    Happy New Year! Stay well, and God bless you and your family.

  14. Happy new year to you too, Jon!
    Thank you for all great music! Looking forward to hear the “Concerto” studio recording. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well.


  15. Wishing you health, as well. I’ve just gotten into Deep Purple, and you have instantly become one of my music heroes! Taking lots of inspiration from your work in the classic rock revival-style band I play piano and organ in. Can’t tell you how much I love your blending of classical music and blues! Thanks so much for such an awesome contribution to the rock n’ roll canon!

  16. Dear Jon,

    I wish you happy new year too! Glad to read you are doing well. I wish you good health and I hope you are able to make new music and perform it. I listen these days to your solo work and some of your hero’s as Elgar and Grieg and not to forget Deep Purple!
    With kind regards, Arie van den Heuvel, The Netherlands

  17. Jon, I met you backstage, as a callous15 year old, at my second ever gig and was in awe at the maestro with the ‘I am a walrus moustache’. Today, I am in awe at the gentleman and musician that gives and gives until it hurts. I hope 2012 will be a fine year for us all. I still have a passion and love for music, in no small part gifted by your recorded works but more so the ‘fandango’ live performances I has had the pleasure to witness over the years. Thank you. Love and best wishes, Doug

  18. Dear Jon,
    from my heart to yours I wish you the verry best for 2012 and so as I have NOT given up my hope, that I will sometime have the honor to meet you so I can say “thank you” personally, I wish you, that you will NOT loose your hope for your healing.
    And: Your recovery is what I ask god every evening.

    God bless you,
    Dave from Bremen, Germany

  19. Happy New year from Belgium, Jon! Wishing you a speedy recovery, and thanks so much for all the great music


  21. Hi jon
    trust you will have a wonderful new year and that you return to full health soon as yiu have great music to share wuth the world maybe my dream of a keyboard g3 (k3) with you on hammond keith emerson on grand piano and rick wakeman on synths playing some brilluant music that would make my year so hows about it ?

  22. And here’s to a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours.
    So, so glad you are doing well Jon
    God bless you, big man!

    Joy. x

  23. My dearest friend!
    Thank you for keeping us informed about your health. I am still totally upside down but looking forward due to your words above! One never knows what destiny wants and why. We just have to accept. We know this all too well and at our age every day we live is a happy day. Having once passed 60 years one starts to thinks differently about many things, death included. But now we have your good news and this makes the new years festivities much easier… I do wish you all the best, better and better health every day until you will be back on stage!
    Thinking of you a lot! Lilo xxx
    And if one day you bother, tell me your new mail. The one I have doesn’t work anymore… 😦

  24. hi jon,
    happy new year for you and your loved ones! health, happiness and love for 2012!
    in the last couple of months we lighted up a candle next to your photo nearly every evening and said prayers for you! now we’re happy to hear that you’re going well! …go on, jon!
    ….hope to see you again in 2012 as fit as a fiddle!
    god bless you!
    greetings from berlin,

  25. Happy New Year to you,too, Jon. I hope you’re getting better soon, and see you in the Proms ’12 !

  26. I´m very happy about the news! I wish you health and all the best! See you soon on the road!
    we love you here in Brazil!

  27. Jon,

    Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!
    Keeping you in our prayers for a healthy 2012!

    God Bless,

    Cliff Laidlaw
    Los Angeles CA

  28. And Happy New Year too. We are hope that your disease will retreat. God bless you, Bach of the 21st century!

  29. Hello Jon,My wife came through ovarian cancer and has a good chance of it staying away so don’t give up,not that you will.
    I wish you the very best of health for 2012 & beyond.


  30. Dear Jon,

    so happy to have news from you! I’ve been thinking a lot of you and wishing you strength for your fight during the past months!

    Your music and the music of Purple has supported me for 25 years now, I discovered it when I was 16 and it truelly was a relevation for me. With your music and the old live records of Purple I started to become aware of myself. Suddenly there was this band making music that sounded exactly the way I felt, touching an inner tuning fork that started to respond and never stopped since! I am still listening to your music and I feel it deeply every time I listen to it again. Somehow I never ever grow tired of it. It has given me so much joy and inspiration in my life, has prompted me to become creative myself by making music and writing, has opened my mind to the classical music my parents listened to since I was a child (I hated it as a teenager. It was much to holy and virtuous for my taste! But you simply can’t hate Bach & Co. anymore if you love Purple and your solo work!), has helped me to overcome hard times, has accompanied me through all the years, so that the music by now is a part of me, too, interwoven with my life.

    I believe I’ll never stop marveling about the power of music. It is such a magical thing, one of the real good things in this world with its ability to overcome just every border, whether it is in the head, the belly or between countries and cultures. It makes you feel familiar with people you even don’t know personally, but nevertheless you are connected – just by loving the same music.
    So please, dear Jon, “wait I while before you go”, because the music you create and play just makes the world a little bit more better and happier, not only for me, but for a lot of people, all over the world.

    Isn’t that – apart from personal reasons – a damn good reason to get healthy again?!
    For 2012 I wish you with all my heart that you may win your fight and that your health will be restored completely, so that you are able to enjoy your life and the music thoroughly again – and we, the audience, with you!

    With love, Michelle

  31. Good to hear from you, Jon! And the update doesn’t sount bad! Hope to hear more from you in 2012! Cheers!


  32. Jon,your music helped me through tough medical times that started in early 1998 and lasted a while after that. As such,I’m glad your fans and friends have contributed so much positive energy to you in the last while,and I hope 2012 sees you healthy and back doing what you do best. You’ve touched a lot of people through the years,and I for one thank you for the uplifting entertainment you’ve provided me. My best to you and your family.

    Chris Parsons

  33. Maestro,

    My best wishes for you and your family. Stay strong and patient as always, for that’s the right attitude to have. Be sure there are tons of people, known and unknown, who care about you and are eager to see you fully recovered and making music.

    Happy New Year


    you know i feel quite bonded to you.. through your music and through your words.

    A man of distinction a Legend in his own rights through music, however depressed i feel,

    certain songs mean so much to me, i like sad moving songs…
    thats often real life.
    May you forever continue to be healthy, i hope you are going to have one hell of a rocking, keyboarding, singing …la,dee, da, bop, dee doo!!! 2012 JONO.. love to you and your family and fans n friends… go jonny go go go …… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  35. Dear friend Mr. Lord thanks for your music that it’ve compained all my life.
    Me and my family, wish you all the good of this world. We are sure that you’re a singularity person bless for God -not all people can created the music that you make-…
    With your strong and a healthy diet and the God’s help, I’m sure that’s it’s time a top speed away…
    See you soon dear friend.
    God bless you.
    José María.
    Canary Islands.

  36. god bless jon, you and deep purple (solo other groups etc) have been the music to my life. Have a great and heathy year ahead ,dont often say this to a man but i love you and the rest of the band

  37. Me hace feliz sus palabras y esperando se encuentre mucho mejor de sus males y reciba ud señor lord mis mas sinceros deseos en esta navidad comparte tus bendiciones con otros y su corazon se llene de gozo porque habras permitido que jesus obre atravès de ti.


  38. And verily so to you Jon; I very much appreciate the time you took to spend with me and your many other fans. Here’s hoping you are soon back to your old self and that 2012 will prove another year of success and variety for you.


  39. Jon,I hope you read this. My name is Mark pedroza.I have been listening to your work since I was seven years old.There is none better than you. I pray to God tht you are frst of all well in spirits and that he gives you stength to beat this horrible disease.
    I lost both my parents and my sister to this awful plague,and one cannot forget Dio.
    I pray for you and keep you in mind all the time.
    God blessyou Mr. Lord

  40. Thanks for your great words. I wish you the best for 2012 and the following years. I’m sure we’ll see you on stage again soon.

    Karl-Heinz Baier

  41. Thank you for your message and a Happy New Year to you and your family. It is great to hear that you are doing well and it is touching that you take the time out to send this message – you really are a true gentleman.

    You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and I hope that 2012 will see you back in full health.

    God bless you and your family.
    Andrew (WIrral UK),


  43. If you are doing well then God has blessed us indeed!
    Please return to us in full health
    May 2012 be a year of sustained recovery and joy for you, our friend and inspiration, and of peace and happiness for your family
    All our love and strength goes to you

  44. I’m a big, big fan of you, Mr. Lord!

    I saw you live with DP in Sao Paulo three times, but couldn’t believe when DP came to my hometown (Goiania) in 2003 and you were not in the band anymore. I met them all, including the ultra-kind Don Airey, but you were the one I wanted to meet most…

    I wish you the best! Love your music!!!

    Cheers from Brazil!

  45. Estoy feliz que lo estes haciendo bien Jon! te conozco atravez de tu musica y agradezco ser contemporaneo tuyo porque he podido verte y escucharte una vez, y comprobar en directo tu inmenso talento!! te mando desde aqui, gral. arenales una pequeña ciudad de Argentina, mis mejores deseos, toda mi buena energia!!! Escuche a mis catorce años, tengo 46 ahora, estrella del camino y no deje de ser nunca fans de deep purple, y aun sueño con verte a ti y a Ritchie juntos haciendo musica. Soy lic. en psicologia y en mis ratos libres toco guitarra, me siento un musico amateur y tu eres una de mis fuentes de inspiracion. Un abrazo!!! Carlos Ruiz.

  46. We’re wish you success and happiness too dear Jon, and above all I we’re wish you health!!!
    Best wishes to you!!!

  47. Thanks, Jon! All the best and see you as soon as possible. And now another spin of “First of the Big Bands”! 🙂

  48. Grazie Jon e Dio ti benedica! Buon 2012!

    (Thank you Jon and God bless you! Happy 2012! )

    Carlo de Nonno

  49. Happy New Year Jon! Thank you for all the great music through the years. I have great confidence that you will be taming the beast for years to come. I will be there in awe and appreciation. Fight the good fight brother. We love you so much!!! Best wishes for hearty and healthy new year. Larry Hicks / Round Mountain, TX

  50. Dear mister Lord.,

    I would lke to give you and tor family all the best wishes. I want to give you my thanks for filling the world with music, hope and love. You will be in my heart forever. It was my father’s last wish to play your song “The Sun Will Shine Again” at his funeral. The song says everything. I would like to thank you for this memory.
    On behalf of your recovery, keep your faith in the positive. Everything will find its place.
    Thank you for your time.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ary de Jonge
    The Netherlands

  51. Hi Jon, you are great and strong. Wishing you a great year of 2012.

    “Met” you once 1999, while backstage Dio/Purple at Sweden Rock Festival. Ronnie had said to you earlier that he was going and when you came back you said to him “You said you were going and you’re still here huh?” (in your great and humoristic manor :).

    Wishing You and yours all the best in the world.

    Best wishes,

    Egon, Piteå, Sweden

  52. Bonne année Jon la santé surtout.
    J’écoute en ce moment Black Night sur l’album total abandon où vous assurez comme toujours tous les 5.
    Merveilleux Jon tu es le seul à alterner rock blues et classique.
    Un petit coucou de Pontevès dans le sud de la france

  53. I wish you all the best for 2012. Good health and lots of inspiration and time to create beautiful music.


  54. Dear Jon.
    I wish you health, love and prosperity.
    Thank you for your message and your music.
    Happy New Year to you too.

  55. Happy New Year to you too, Jon. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Dave R. (Auckland, New Zealand)

  56. Thank you Jon Lord for your inspiring words, even in such a difficult moment as you’re going through, right now.
    From Lisbon, me and all your portuguese fans (and you know they are a lot) wish you a great recovery in 2012, in harmony with your family, so you may return in good health and better shape.
    Take your time!
    Meanwhile we’ll keep listening to your fabulous music and heavenly talent. They mean so much for all of us.
    See you soon, Maestro.

  57. Yes Jon Health, good health is never to be taken for granted, I hope you’ll find this year easier than last and when are you going to bring your remarkable concerto back to scotland

  58. Jon I m so happy you ‘re getting better
    I wish you a healthy year,with a lot of love and music
    Still hope to see you performing the Concerto in Paris!
    all the best

  59. Dear Jon,
    I’ve got happy when I knew that you were doing well. I sincerely hope that 2012 be the great year fo you. The year of victory, of recovery. My best thoughts are with you.
    Have a very happy new year and I know that you’ll be well and playing your wonderful music for all of your fans very very soon. And I hope to see you doing that in Rio, Brazil.

    Rio, Brazil

  60. Jon, all the best for this infant year. May it grow and blossom and mature like a good wine, and during its course bring you the energy you need to beat this thing.

  61. Hi Jon,

    I will always remember the kindness you showed myself and a friend in 1971 when you gave us a lift after your Albert Hall gig to Paddington in your E-Type. A surreal moment for me, as a music loving 17 year old then.
    Anyway, this memory has always stayed with me and you truly seem like one of the good guys.
    Therefore , with heartfelt hope I wish you a full recovery and many more happy years of this precious life.
    Kindest regards,
    Dave Edmunds

  62. hi Jon, Wishing you all the best for 2012. Hello to you all. from the old gardener. all the best nick and bea!!

  63. Jon
    You have now idea how your music moves me beyond all measure and at times touches my very soul. You and your family are in my thoughts constantly and in my prayers every night. I wish you strength, health and peace in 2012. Thank you for enriching my life during a difficult few months. Long may your music flow and touch us all

  64. Arriba Jon!!!!! Su genio y fortaleza pueden vencer cualquier cosa!!
    Desde Montevideo, Uruguay, mis deseos de pronta recuperación. Necesitamos tu música!

  65. Get yourself well, Mr Lord!

    And thank you for all the wonderful, wonderful stuff – the Innovator Award was well due!

    I like the blues, and I like the classical, but I’d really like to hear some rock soon, please! Thanks again for it all.


  66. Whish you the best mate! I’m from Brazil, I have seen you, and talk to you here, actually I have an autograph that you gave me in 1991, in Porto Alegre. One of the best moments i remember. I’m a physician, your music inspires me and i’m sure inspires you too (sorry about the english). Paulo Rays

  67. It is maybe a little late to say Happy new year so I wish you your family and friends a Happy and healthy Chinese new year !!

  68. It’s been a long time,
    Maestro! We are all so happy to see you again!
    Welcome back!

  69. Dear Jon
    I have been a fan of yours ysince 1973. I have seen you and Purple perform a number of times. I am so sorry (I’m crying actually) about your health. I pray to Our Lady (who always looks after us – believe me Jon, she does) to look after you. I saw you perform in Dublin in Sept 2009 – the night of Uncle Arthur’s 250th birthday. I would love to shake your hand to thank you for the joy your music has given me. Keep well and I’d love to buy you a pint of the black stuff in Dublin the next time your in town. Best wishes. Iain Bennett

  70. Jon, Thank you for all the years of enjoyment! I loved you with Deep Purple.You have aged so gracefully. Aloha!

  71. Dear Jon, Happy birthday to you from your russian
    friend and your fan Stass( Hammond man)
    with whom you were touring in Krasnodar Rostov and Moscow.
    I wish you good health, happiness and let all
    your plans come true.
    Looking forward to see you and work with you again.
    Best regards from all members
    of our rock band “Back to the future”

  72. You entered from darkness to light, wherever you are, your music is always with me….. R.I.P. !!

  73. Your spirit will alway be around us and keep it until we come together one day at the same place where you are just now.
    Thank you for the gifts you gave us. We will keep them in honor, in our hearts and in our soul.
    Lord bless you!

    Mete Altan – Cologne/Germany

  74. R.i.p Dear Jon. I am listening your music since i was 14 years old and i will till the end.Rock heaven now with your music !

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